
Neptune was managing capital project budgets with a Microsoft Access database, and supporting documentation contained across numerous files in various locations. Access to the Microsoft Access database was limited, and correspondingly, the burden of data entry was placed on a very small group of users tasked with gathering budget request details from project managers across the entire site. Ultimately, it was becoming increasingly difficult to ensure information consistency, and efficiently review and approve capital project budgets.


Interface 48 implemented an intranet web app that centralizes the management of capital project budgets, and enables users to fulfil their project management duties with greater confidence and transparency. Specifically, the solution centered upon a multi-stage request and approval process, with email notifications, to ensure that all requests undergo thorough review and approval at all appropriate levels in a timely manner. Supporting documentation for budget requests and approvals was organized in a SharePoint document library, with applicable metadata set to align with site-wide document management standards.

Notable aspects of this project include:

  • Implementation of an intranet web app consisting of a front-end React/TypeScript client and back-end ASP.NET Core API,
  • Integration with on-premises Active Directory for user authentication and authorization,
  • Integration with on-premises SharePoint Server for document management,
  • Design of a UI consisting of multiple data entry sub-processes, to make the overall budget request data entry process more approachable.